

Easter was great! 
Lindsay and Greg were passing through from a trip to California, so we were able to all celebrate together Sunday evening. 
My mom and dad hide GIANT eggs in the basement for the "kids" to hunt for. We each had four eggs of our own color to find. 

It took us some time to find all of the eggs because my tricky father hid them in really good places! But we had so much fun scurrying around the basement trying to find all of our eggs! (My dad claims he didn't know whose eggs were whose when he hid them... but I honestly think that they boys eggs were hidden a bit harder) 

1- Lindsay Rose (Surprisingly because she's usually last) 
2- Me
3- Gregorious
4- (Last but not least) Devinkus

 Here we are celebrating with victory eggheads after finding and opening all of our eggs.

I thoroughly enjoyed my Easter! 
I hope you all did too!


Meet my new best friend:

We both love flowers
We are both huge Tangled fans
And we both have Type 1 diabetes

Ashlyn is the sweetest little girl I've ever met!
She was just diagnosed at the beginning of April. And I truly believe that we were meant to meet each other.
We are dia-buddies and we make living with diabetes a little bit easier for one another.

We practice testing our blood sugar together,
We both like smarties for treating lows,
We have twin blood tester cases,
And Ashlynn even made me this awesome "Magic Circle Chart" just like hers for shots and finger pricks!

Diabetes can be such a hard thing to deal with daily and it's easy to get discouraged, but knowing that I now have Ashlynn watching me makes me want to be the best that I can!

"It's okay, I like diabetes now cause Aliza has diabetes and she is so pretty"
"I have SO many friends with diabetes! Aliza!"
 - Ashlynn

This little girl is truly an angel to me!!


The Final Countdown

This video has been playing in my head:

I'm on the countdown to the end of school!
It's the last 2 weeks of classes,
and then finals week!!

I know my moves aren't as cool...
but I sure hope I will survive anyways!!


Just Chillin...

...With 2 of my favorite guys!


A New Little Dude

Marco Randall Perez

It was pretty awesome to get to hold this precious baby on his first day in the world. Congratulations RP & Mariah! I'm so excited for your new little addition to the family!


March 28th - April 3rd:

Like it:
  • Backyard picnics
  • Cupshake runs
  • More work hours
  • The IT Crowd
  • Tangled on DVD
Love it:
  • Driving with my windows down
  • Lindsay and Greg coming for the weekend
  • Listening to Greg Mortenson Speak
  • General Conference with the family
Leave it:
  • Sickness
  • Allergies & Stuffy Noses
  • Health Psych test
  • Interpersonal communications test
  • Graduation Fees


Easter Treats

I don't know if it is because of my love of cupcakes, or because of my love of spring....
but aren't these the cutest little Easter treats?! 
I think I'm going to have to make some!

Little Brother:

This is Magnificent Max-a-million
{Max for short}
He is my little brother.
I think he's pretty cute,
but he can also be pretty smelly.

We like to tease each other.
I tickle his paws
and blow in his face.
He bites my toes during prayers
and farts in my room.

He can be quite mischievous at times,
he's pro at begging,
he's our head of household security
and he likes to go outside and sun his nose.

I love when he'll cuddle with me,
when we have talks and he tilts his head to listen,
and when gets so excited when I come home.

He's the little brother I always wanted.