
Reunited in MA

We went to the Cape
We visited "Make way for Ducklings"
We walked in the Boston Commons
We ate delicious cannolis from Mike's Pastry shop
We spent a day on the beach
We had an authentic lobster fest
And we went to Prom!
(Just kidding - but we did get to see Janelle's little sister Alexis off to prom)

What could be better then visiting one of my most favorite cities to spend time with some of my most favorite people?! 

I dearly love these girls! We had so many laughs and had such a good time! It was like we had never been apart! 

I hope that we can continue to find ways get together for the rest of our lives! These girls are some of my very best friends!



I must say I had quite the 21st birthday festivities!! 

I had my very first birthday number pizza! 
It was quite exciting for me, too bad it only took me 21 years to finally get!

We tried out the St. George carousel! 
I'm a sucker for these kind of things so I was quite excited! Plus we had the whole thing to ourselves!

 Then I was surprised with a mustache birthday party! 
Mustache banners, "Name that Stache" game, balloons drawn with mustaches, a birthday cake decorated with 21 mustaches, chocolate mustache suckers, milkshake mustaches; this party was all mustached out! 
And to end off the fun day we made our own little BBgun shooting range by shooting the party balloons off of the back fence from our balcony.
The only bad part is we wish that there was more balloons to shoot!

I know it may sound cliche but the honest truth is that the very best part of my day was just having a good time with people who mean so much to me.