
"Damn Dragon"

So here's the story:
There once was a dragon named Figment. Who comes from a ride at Epcot. For some reason my roommate Erin hates the previously mentioned dragon. So therefore, we found joy in pointing out all the Figment merchandise to our dear Erin. 
But then we thought, "wouldn't it be hilarious to hide a small plush toy of the previously mentioned dragon in her things? Yes. Yes it would be hilarious."
I'd have to say that the best hiding was when we "mailed" Figment to her. We found an old box that her family had sent her during the first few weeks of our program, changed a few dates, filled the box full of packing peanuts, and placed one small purple dragon inside.

I kinda felt bad because she really thought it was a surprise package from her family. She was making guesses of what her family had sent her. 
She really had NO idea!!
I was literally hiding behind the corner trying not to burst out laughing. Good thing Erin is such a good sport!
We all had a good laugh at that one!

                    Love you Erin!   

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