
Pebbles and Sweet Tooth Fairies

I'm pretty sure I have the two best jobs in the whole world right now! I mean seriously how can you not be happy when you are working with cupcakes and scrapbooking supplies all day?! Really though... it's just a great day every work day!

I've been working at Pebbles In My Pocket for about 2 years now, and i've loved every minute of it so far! I love creating things and there is inspiration all around at Pebbles. My only complaint is that every time new products come in I want to buy them all!

Just this week I started working at The Sweet Tooth Fairy and I couldn't be happier! It's the cutest place I've ever seen! Beautiful gourmet cupcakes in an adorably decorated shop. If you've never been to a Sweet Tooth Fairy store I suggest you go right this very second! Because it is an amazing experience and you are sure to go back!! I just pray that I don't gain 50+ pounds from working there!

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