
Devininkus, Nova Scotia Ducktolling Retriever, Charlie Arlie, DJ B, Prince Charming, Dirty D, Delvin, Beast, D-Lo, My Seeing Eye Dog, Fool, Squirrelio, Mr. Brower Sir
Whoever you happen to be at whatever moment... I need to tell you thanks for being my friend! Even though you will probably never read this, (unless you are a secret-closet-blogger-man, which I very much doubt) I just needed to write down how much I appreciate your friendship! You stepped into my life at a time when a true friend was desperately needed and I don't think I can ever thank you enough for that! You are such a caring and selfless person! You always look out for those you care for, and sometimes I worry that you caring so much for others that you don't care about yourself enough!
I'm so very grateful for all of the fun times and memories that I have been able to create with you! We've only been friends for a little over a year now, yet I feel like I've known you my whole life! Probably cause that's what best friends should feel like! I'm never afraid to truly be myself when i'm with you, and I can't thank you enough for the comfort that brings me! I am horrible at opening up to people, yet I've been able to share my biggest dreams and my greatest fears and worries with you! You know me better then anyone! When I think about it I'm very surprised that I haven't scared you away! Cause I'm definitely a crazy-weirdy at times! You've seen me at my best, you've seen me at my worst, and you've seem me everywhere in between! I'll always remember when you came and sat with me all day of everyday that I was in the hospital while no one else cared! I won't ever be able to tell you how much that meant to me!!
Unfortunately neither of us like taking pictures! (Maybe that's another reason why we get along so well!) But here are a few that I was able to find:
Boston/Fleeing to the Cape

La Jolla/Your Birthday
Visits to Lindsay and Greg

Baking your favorite strawberry lemonade cupcakes
plus some others you won't try ;)

Fenway/Love of The Red Sox

Car Trips

Lake Powell
We've been able to already experience so many fun trips, exciting adventures, and happy moments together! I know I could list a thousand more fun/favorite things we've done!
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"
-Dr. Suess.
Thanks for not minding who I am and what I have to say Devin! You mean the world to me!!

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