
Gen Con Oct 2013

This was my first "Pajama Sunday" that I spent all alone.
I'm not going to lie... I was pretty bummed all week thinking about it. Usually "Pajama Sunday" means a giant breakfast feast, snacks and crafts in between sessions, and snuggling up next to my family  while listening to the Prophet. The thought of lone watching depressed me a little bit.

But like Elder Vinson said,
 "Sometimes when I least expect I feel almost like the Lord taps me on the shoulder to let me know he loves me. " 

This General Conference turned out to be quite a beautiful experience. I was able to focus and listen more intently then I ever have before. Each talk touched my spirit in one way or another. How is it that the speakers always seem to be addressing me? My heart is left feeling rejuvenated while my spirit is left feeling reignited. General Conference always proves to be a perfect escape from the stresses of the world.

I am ever so grateful and blessed for this gospel in my life.  

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