
{Make it work}

Tim Gunn

I absolutely adore this man! He's just so sophisticated and wise! I got to know him from watching Project Runway and I've loved him ever since! Tim is a celebrity that I'd die to even just get to see from a distance!

If you don't know Tim Gunn,
Or if you adore him like me,
then watch these clips:

He has a book out called: 
Gunn's Golden Rules
Life's Little Lessons For Making It Work
I have only read a small bit of it, but trust me that it is great! It's all about the importance of being kind and "making it work". It made me love Tim even more! I'll definitely be getting this book and reading it from cover to cover!

As much as I love Tim (which is a lot) this post isn't just about my love for him.


The other day I got a text from my sister saying that Tim Gunn will be speaking in Salt Lake on April 30th! 

I died!!

{{I bet you can guess where i'll be April 30th!}}


Lindsay Rose said...

me too! so excited :)
Meeting Tim was an item on my bucket list!

krista jo said...

wow I feel out of it because I have only watched Project Runway once. Lame of me.

Glad to have found your blog!

Jasmine Marie Day said...

I love love love Tim Gunn too!!
He is the best!
I submit that we make this little trip together.
I will check my schedule to see if I can go. If not, I'll "make it work." :)